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    Let Me Tell You A Little Something About Candy Corn

    I'm so conflicted about candy corn.

    The Truth???!!??

    Candy Corn. Corn made out of candy..err wait no. Anyway, I worshiped the Candy Corn Goddess (girl power) my whole life. In my eyes candy corn could do wrong. It was a fixed idea to me that everyone loved candy corn. In elementary school I would hit off with other people by discussing our adoration of candy corn. I would buy people candy corn for ever holiday; red candy corn for Valentine's Day, green and red for Christmas, pastel for Easter, I was obsessed. I had candy corn leggings, earrings, body lotion, candles; you know the basics. My obsession with candy corn only grew stronger as I got older. When fall would sneak in after summer I found myself devouring whole, yes whole, bags of candy corn. Among my friends I would reminisce about my candy corn addiction and they too would admit their stories of gauging down bags of candy corn; it always made me feel at home. Recently, this all took a turn for the worse. I found out that most people do not like candy corn. DUN DUN DUN. Was I being deceived my whole life?! This couldn't be true. The semi crunchiness and the waxy texture was heaven in my mouth, how could more than one person possibly despise this treasure. In one Buzzfeed article I read, the author's point of view stated that candy corn was just around for its looks, no one actually liked the taste. As much as I was appalled by this, I read the comments and found out that others agreed with them. This couldn't be true. I decided to suppress this opinion and not read into it too much. However, yesterday I was sitting with my older brother having a conversation. Somehow he brought up his views of candy corn; he hated it and claimed that most people did as well. I was devastated. How was this happening? I stood up for the candy, it was innocent! Candy corn has done nothing wrong, to anyone! Why all of the hate?!?!?

    That is what I thought until...I bought some candy corn today. Expecting to devour the whole bag yet I tasted one piece...really tasted it...and...its awful.