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    20 Target TikTok Products That Are Actually Worth The Investment

    ...because buyer's remorse doesn't have a place here.

    1. A Target-exclusive affordable fragrance that smells like "an exotic, sultry rain forest" and is inspired by a scent that you may know and love. The key fragrance notes of Jungle Santal by Fine'ry include papyrus wood, indian cardamom and black oolong tea —and yes, it smells as divine as you think.

    The perfume placed in a jungle.

    2. A powerful dishwashing spray that technically is only made for dishes but according to some fans, can tackle everything from dirty kitchen counters to tabletops. If you frequent #CleanTok, then you know just how much people love this dishwashing spray, which leads me to ask: Why have you taken so long to buy a bottle of your own?

    3. A retinol-infused body lotion because skincare isn't just for the neck and face. In case you're not familiar with this superior skincare ingredient, retinol is known for its ability to firm, smooth, and brighten skin. In this body lotion, you can also find cocoa butter and vitamin E in the mix.

    model holding the retinol body lotion

    4. A 2-in-1 purifying Dyson fan because if you're going to finally put a fan in your apartment, you might as well grab one that will circulate the freshest of air around the room. I know it's a bit pricey, but trust me, you won't regret this purchase one bit.

    the purifying fan in a living room

    5. An innovative facial cleanser and makeup remover so you can never make an excuse to skip your bedtime skincare routine again. If you're not familiar with micellar water, it's a multipurpose skin cleanser that doesn't require any rough rubbing or tugging to rid your skin of dirt, makeup and oil. Simply apply to a cotton pad (or two) and gently wipe your skin to refresh.

    the micellar water

    6. A matte version of a melanin-friendly sunscreen that everyone knows and loves. If controlling oil production is as important to you as protecting your skin against sun damage, then adding this sunscreen to your routine is a no brainer. According to some Target shoppers, the matte finish makes your skin look #flawless.

    person holding the matte sunscreen

    7. A Naturium skin-renewing body wash featuring salicylic acid, glycerin, and linoleic acids that promotes healthy, smooth skin from head to toe. This gentle exfoliating body cleanser is perfect for all skin types and can even be used as a facial wash if you so desire. If you don't grab this product, I for sure will because dry, dull skin is not my cup of tea.

    8. A pretty, pink single-serve Keurig to fuel your burning desire to have absolutely everything in pink. Not only is this coffee maker aesthetically pleasing for all the pink-lovers out there, it takes up little to no counter space, sitting at less than 5 inches wide.

    the pink coffee maker with a white mug on it

    9. A fasting-acting eye solution if you're in desperate need of redness relief. According to TikTokers, these drops start working in just one minute to keep red eyes at bay for up to eight hours. Word of advice? Go for the larger size!

    model holding the drops up to their eye

    10. A popping pink, bumper crossbody bag that surprisingly fits way more stuff than you would expect (see the below TikTok for proof). Fair warning—this bag comes in an array of beautiful colors and you may want to catch them all like Pokémon.

    11. A hotel-esque room spray that will instantly make your home feel luxurious af. Even if you live in a super small 400 square-foot apartment with creaky floors and barely enough space for your growing shoe collection, this will transform your place into an oasis. Sorry, I'm projecting here. Moving right along...

    the room spray

    12. A cocoa-butter-infused gel oil so your dry body-skin can finally get some relief. If your skin returns to being dry in what seems like seconds after applying lotion, this is the product you need to really lock in the hydration so your skin can remain moisturized throughout the day.

    13. A spa-quality waffle-knit towel because it's time to finally get rid of those towels that you've been holding onto since your college days. Contrary to popular belief, towels have a shelf life and it's about time you throw in the towel...literally. Plus, these feel so amazing on the skin you'll wish you would have purchased them sooner.

    the towel hanging up

    14. An innovative microfiber sponge to blend out cream and liquid makeup like a dream. According to advocates of this beauty tool, you'll never dish out the dollars for a more expensive sponge once this one hits your vanity. Yes, please!

    two of the sponges with concealer

    15. A pack of five-blade razors so you can finally get the closest, smoothest shave ever. As tempting as it may be to skip shaving all together until warm weather season comes back around, this razor makes shaving way less of a pain (seriously).

    photo of the razor

    16. A three-piece rhinestone hoop earring set because you've been saying you want to get into hoops and don't know where to start. This pack offers three different sized hoops for you to try and rock on various occasions. They may be different sizes but they're all equally fabulous in my humble opinion.

    the hoop earrings

    17. A pack of teeth whitening strips that are the next best thing to a professional teeth whitening session (for a fraction of the price). Reviewers love these strips because on top of their whitening power, they also stick to your teeth without budging. Your smile is your best accessory so why not give it the treatment that it deserves?

    the box next to individual packages of the strips

    18. A popular strengthening hair masque in case your not-so-luscious locks could use some TLC (raises hand). It's infused with biotin to leave your hair super soft and shiny but never weighed down.

    model holding the hair masque

    19. A 10-in-1 hair primer that will literally transform your hair right in front of your eyes. This product does everything from protecting against heat and cutting down dry time but where it really shines is its ability to control frizz and make hair (of all types) more manageable.

    20. A mini gel manicure kit that comes with everything that you need to give yourself a professional-looking nail job from the comfort of your own home. The best things about this kit are A. for less than the average price of ONE gel manicure, you can have everything you need to do your nails probably for months to come (if not longer) and B. the included LED lamp looks like a macaron. I mean, can you think of anything cuter (and more TikTok-able)?

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.