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    Let Kim Kardashian Live

    ? It's her life and it's now or never ?

    I feel the need to start this post with a disclaimer: I am not Kim Kardashian's #1 fan. I'm not a "doll." I don't watch Keeping Up with the Kardashian's. I don't follow her on any social media platforms. In fact, I sort of go out of my way to avoid her when possible. However, I feel the need to come out and say the following loudly, for all to hear:

    Let Kim Kardashian Live.

    Unless you live under a rock where there's a spotty wifi connection, you're well aware that the internet is on fire with twitter feuds stemming from women bashing Kim over her latest naked selfie (on International Women's Day, no less!). First of all, I am confused as to why people continue to be shocked when she does these things. Kim Kardashian practically invented the selfie and she spends a lot of time naked. AND she's like a social media queen, mostly because of the combination of those two aforementioned things. Girl knows what she's doing and so do you! Let's wipe the shocked look off your faces.

    Her post was followed by a steady flow of comments, ranging from #goals to #slut and everything you could possibly say in between. I'm certain someone probably commented JB's cell number at some point too. Seems legit. But things really hit the fan when Chloe Grace Moretz got involved, saying, "I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies."

    And you know what? She's right. We should absolutely empower young women, hell, ALL women, to believe that they have so much more to offer than just their bodies. That their worth is more than skin deep. That they are valuable in ways that go beyond their physical being.

    But why should that empowerment be served up with a side of shame?

    The female body is an incredible thing. It comes in a wide array of colors, shapes, and sizes. We have shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world. Legs that carry us through long work days — sometimes in 5 inch heels at that! We can, if we choose, create life. Our bodies can grow other bodies inside them! And when those bodies come out, we can feed them and nurture them into living, breathing members of society. The female body is the most amazing shit ever. So why does society condition us to be ashamed of it? And maybe worse, why do we as women make other women feel ashamed of their bodies? What is it about a naked woman that is so offensive?

    I can't remember exactly when it started, but I remember distinctly since the age I finally hit puberty/woke up with boobs (helloooo 15, better late than never!), being made to feel ashamed about the womanly shape my body was taking. I remember feeling so embarrassed on multiple occasions that ranged from female peers spreading rumors that I was stuffing my bra, to teachers (often women, come to think of it) who called me out in front of an entire class and sent me to the office for a dress code violation. I remember thinking "what is it about my thigh/shoulder/clavicle that is SO scandalous?!"

    Tell me world, I'm still dying to know — what is it about my skin that is so scandalous?

    Isn't the patch of skin on my forearm the same as the one on my thigh? Is the skin on my breast somehow different from the skin on my shin? I am woman! My body is capable of incredible things! So why do I feel like I need to hide it from everyone? Fat, hairy men everywhere can walk topless on any beach in America and no one will bat an eye. But my nipple?! In all of it's hairless glory, my nipple better not even think about coming out for some fresh air or vitamin d because what about the children?! The very children who may or may not survived off of another incredible woman's nipple at the beginning of their life. Tsk tsk.

    Why should Kim Kardashian be ashamed of her body? A body that may have single handedly forced society to change it's view on what a beautiful body is in the first place. Athlete's use their bodies to get ahead all of the time. Is that not what Kim is doing also? An athlete's body performs to collect trophies like a badge of honor. Why can't the female form be a badge of honor all on it's own?

    Ladies, please know that you are so much more than you bodies. But your body is pretty amazing too. Celebrate it however you see fit.