19 Creepy Kid Tweets That Will Keep You Up All Night

    "Dead man, dead man, come alive..."

    1. Kinda creepy.

    Roman just said to me "Lola is so cute. I just wanna cut off her head and carry it around with me" #creepykid #firstborn #hereallylovesher

    2. Seriously creepy.

    Told my 3yo daughter to stop poking me with her pliers. Her response: "but mama, I wanna take your skin off." #creepykid #freakedout

    3. Totally creeped out here.

    Tucking Addy into bed tonight... Me: Goodnight sweetie, sweet dreams! Addy: Sweet Dreams daddy! I hope you.... wak… https://t.co/mRi2FQqf85

    4. And here.

    He's 8 now, but when my son was 3, he stood in front of the meat section at walmart and said "Ah, the future of us all". #momlife #creepykid

    5. Wait, what?

    1: 'I want to be a Dr.' 2: 'Oh really, why?' 1: 'The knives...' 2: I'm sorry, what?' 1: 'To help people!' Mhmm... #creepykid @NBCChicagoMed

    6. Umm...?

    My daughter informed me that the "dark makes her do bad things" I'll be sleeping with ask the lights on thank you. #shitmykidssay #creepykid

    7. Cringing a little.

    This kid asked me for some skittles but I had just finished them so he stared at me like this the entire flight

    8. Who is this kid?

    "This is the head store. I know where the heads are." Young child in Hannaford's. #creepykid

    9. OMG.

    Marcus waking up "wow my body doesnt feel like a human body" #AuPairLife #creepykid

    10. OMFG.

    Newest addition to the 'my kid just said the creepiest thing list' - "Hey Mommy, can I summon some demons, please?" #parenting #creepykid

    11. Freaking out a little.

    Teagan let us know that "life flies by. But after that you can start a whole new life...IN A COFFIN." #creepykid

    12. Freaking out a LOT.

    Somebody didn't want to go to sleep... #creepykid #creepykids #creepy #scary #spooky #horror https://t.co/nyRAIiibj1

    13. Shivering.

    That creepy moment when your toddler whispers 'say your prayers'...and waits a little before finishing 'like at grandma's house!' #creepykid

    14. Screaming.

    When your 4yo is just silently starting out the window..... Aaand the blinds are closed #creepykid #parenting

    15. And also crying.

    "Dead man, dead man, come alive.. When... I... Count... To... Five." Things I hear Brittany say when I'm in the other room #creepykid

    16. Don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact...

    This little girl just walked by me outside the mall and was whispering while staring at me, "she's gonna die, she's gonna diiie." #creepykid

    17. It's all in your head...

    Got creeped out singing a lullaby to my kids when my daughter cracked up laughing &said "that tickles!" No one anywhere near her. #creepykid

    18. No one's there, no one's there...

    "Who's that mom?" *pointing to open air* .. "Who's what?" ... *awkward grin* "Nevermind." ... #CreepyKid #3yearolds

    19. EEEEEEEK!

    My 11-year old's birthday card to me. #blessed