19 Baby Item Transformations That'll Make You Want To Sleep With Your Glue Gun

    Because they don't stay babies forever.

    1. Transform your baby's crib into a super-cute child's desk:

    2. Give your changing table the ultimate change by turning it into a sweet and stylish beverage stand:

    3. Still have your baby's crib mattress frame? With a fresh coat of spray paint, turn it into a unique bulletin board:

    4. Turn an old baby lotion bottle into an incredibly useful holder for charging your cell phone.

    5. Did your kiddo outgrow their favorite lovey? Transform it into a stuffed animal purse they'll adore for years to come:

    6. Add chalkboard paint to old wipes containers and you've got a cool new way to stay organized:

    7. Upcycle your empty baby food jars into a clever and crafty crayon organizer:

    8. Oh, and it turns out those old baby food jars make pretty good DIY spice containers, too.

    9. Use an old, empty formula tin as a super-cute headband organizer:

    10. Or use old plastic formula canisters to create an incredibly useful mail center:

    11. Turn those old bulk diaper boxes into budget-friendly play trucks your kids will totally love:

    12. Give your baby's changing table a classy upgrade to an entertainment console:

    13. Use old baby wipes lids to make a cute "peek-a-boo" sensory board for your growing little:

    14. Looking for a creative way to upcycle your baby's old clothes? Use parts of them to make an activity book for your toddler:

    15. Accentuate your baby's new big kid room with these crib bumpers turned window valences:

    16. Or if you're ready to adultify a little, you can turn your baby's crib into this modern magazine rack:

    17. Give your baby wipes container a new purpose by making it into a "Feed the Monster" fine motor activity game for your kiddo:

    18. Make old baby onesies (and their snaps!) into super-handy reusable snack bags:

    19. And give your baby's crib new life (literally) by transforming it into a totally boss dog crate (say what?!):