15 Reasons To Get Pregnant Like Right Now, Right Now

    Living your best pregnant life.

    1. Pregnancy body pillows — seriously, there is nothing more comfortable.

    2. Ridiculously luscious hair that is basically Instagram-ready every second of the day.

    3. Eating like there's no tomorrow...or later today, even.

    4. Those amazing, comfortable, FORGIVING maternity clothes that you can wear forever — and totally should.

    5. Becoming basically an Olympic-level napper.

    6. And having a built-in tray table isn't exactly the worst — not gonna lie:

    7. The fun of posting adorable belly pics to social media.

    8. Feeling the baby kick inside you and knowing you're the only one who can.

    9. Not having a period for a really long time — even longer sometimes, if you breastfeed.

    10. Getting the best parking spots at your favorite stores.

    11. Glowing. Just freakin' glowing, y'all.

    12. And having the best boobs of your life for nine whole months.

    13. Buying every baby item you can get your hands on, necessary or not.

    14. Everyone around you being more than willing to help a pregnant damsel in distress.

    15. And being able to use pregnancy as an excuse for, well, anything you damn well want.