21 Totally Surprising Things That Happened To Women's Bodies After Pregnancy That They Were NOT Ready For

    "I grew skin tags...down there."

    We recently shared a post in which women shared the most shocking things that happened to their post-childbirth bodies, and they were shocking indeed:

    Well, our readers shared even more stories of unexpected post-pregnancy body changes in the comments, and they definitely delivered some doozies:

    1. "I have a patch of pubic hair that still hasn't grown back since my C-section. And my kid is 14 years old!"

    2. "As my belly grew, my belly button moved more and more to one side of my body — I didn't even know your belly button could be off-center!"


    3. "My feet shrank from a size 7 to a 5 and a half!"


    4. "My leg hair completely stopped growing during both of my pregnancies, and now — almost four years after my last delivery — it still barely grows, is super light-colored, and only shows up in small patches."

    5. "I grew skin tags...down there."


    6. "My period got shorter. I now bleed insanely for two days, have normal bleeding for one day, and then just spotting. Hormones are crazy."


    7. "My pubic hair began growing in straight."

    8. "When I was a teenager, I had a mysterious bone infection in my leg that I had to have surgery for. I spent a decade living on Aleve, with considerable pain and a noticeable limp, but the doctors couldn't explain it. Then I got pregnant, and immediately after childbirth the pain in my leg was gone — it just straight-up disappeared!"

    "Doctors still have no explanation, but I'm finally happy and pain-free! And when my son asks about the scar on my leg, I tell him HE fixed that."


    9. "During pregnancy, I developed bald spots in my eyebrows that never grew back."


    10. "I got rhinitis during pregnancy that never went away, and I still can't smell things properly anymore. It has to be a very strong scent or very up close for me to smell it."

    11. "I never had problems with summer heat until I was eight weeks pregnant and passed out from heat stroke. Since then, my body physically cannot tolerate heat. If it gets to a certain temperature, I feel like my body is going to shut down completely."

    "It's so annoying, because I love being outside in the summertime!"


    12. "My hair went from kinky curly to pin straight! I never even knew that was a thing."


    13. "My grandma stopped having period cramps after she had her first kid, so that’s a ray of hope for the future!"

    14. "My eyesight got better."


    15. "Every time I throw up (from being sick) now, I pass out for five seconds, then come back. I had never passed out before pregnancy in my life, but now I always have to have a spotter!"


    16. "I gave birth years ago, and I still have hemorrhoids!"

    17. "My son's head slammed into my sciatic nerve a month before he was born, and I couldn't feel that leg for three years. Now it's been over a decade, and half of my foot is still numb!"


    18. "My mom's hair went from blonde to almost black!"

    "And she also went from having a butt to her butt completely disappearing."


    19. "Before getting pregnant, I had a bad gluten allergy that would cause my entire body to swell, and it just disappeared. And four years later, I still haven't had any issues."

    20. "My mom grew a single, super-long hair from her neck. She didn't even notice it until it was almost as long as the hair on her head."


    21. "I developed a serious allergy to alcohol after my second baby — it's awful!"

    Some responses have been edited for length and clarity.