People Are Sharing Their Parents' Hilariously Weird Behavior, And I'm Laughing So Hard I Can't See Straight

    There's no way they were letting their parents get away with this stuff!

    1. This mom, who — bless her heart — thought she bought a wholesome holiday ornament, but:

    A rat holding cocaine and a dollar bill

    2. This dad, who prefers to wash his paper plates and reuse them:

    3. This mom, who had a bathroom plumbing issue, and used this plunger to handle it:

    4. This dad, who — for some reason — likes to put Cheerios in his morning coffee:

    5. This mom, who brought home this, er, interesting looking rock:

    6. This dad, who couldn't find any chopsticks, so he made some with sticks from his backyard:

    7. And this mom, who didn't mean to scare the crap out of her kid, but:

    8. This dad, who has a hysterical knack for gardening:

    9. This dad, who has a lot of time on his hands now, and chose to do this with it:

    screenshot of a headline saying, "Egg ad Bacon Agree to Trial Separation, With Divorce a Nearly Certain Outcome."

    10. This mom, who came up with a hilarious way to keep her kids from eating her candy:

    11. This dad, whose creativity knows no bounds:

    12. This mother-in-law, who knows exactly how to keep burglars away:

    ADT on a glass window

    13. This dad, who brought his kid this birthday cake when he had COVID-19:

    14. And this mom, who thought this was the perfect get well gift for her son's girlfriend, and may never be allowed to pick out gifts again: