14 Hysterical Married People Who Made Their Spouses The Butt Of A Joke And Paid Royally For It

    These spouses are walking a fine line between funny and divorced.

    1. This husband, who got a 3-D printer, and promptly made these cookie cutters for his wife:

    2. This husband, who went all out in trying to annoy his wife:

    3. This wife, who saved the best part of the bachelorette party charcuterie board for her spouse:

    4. This spouse, who used the microwave to annoy the hell out of their wife:

    5. This wife, who eats the best nuts and leaves only the peanuts for her spouse:

    6. This husband, who pokes fun at his spouse's need for organization in the least OCD-friendly way possible:

    7. This wife, who hung a hysterically rude kitchen towel as a message to her spouse — and probably everyone else:

    8. And this husband, who wrote this hilarious note to their loud neighbors — totally throwing his wife under the bus in the process:

    "She told me that if I want to stay with her, I must write this letter stating my noise complaint."

    9. This wife, who was supposed to be taking a photo of a rabbit, but instead, took this photo of her spouse taking a photo...from behind:

    A woman's photo of her spouse

    10. This husband, who did a little redecorating his wife surely doesn't appreciate:

    11. This wife, whose spouse asked her to write a grocery list, and she did this:

    12. This husband, who was in charge of getting the card for his sister-in-law, and he did this:

    13. This husband, who gets hilariously ruthless with his wife's personal belongings:

    14. And this husband, who added a little something extra when he made the bed, and I'm guessing he won't be sleeping there for a long, long while: