17 Photos That Prove Having Kids Is Actually Kinda The Greatest

    No matter what they told you.

    1. Your kids totally make you laugh in ways adults can't.

    2. They meet every little thing with total amazement and wonder just because.

    3. Sometimes entertaining them can be cheap. Like, really cheap.

    4. They have the best snacks and they're always willing to share them.

    5. They love cuddling with you, especially when they're sick.

    6. And their favorite shows grow on you until you love them even more than they do, TBH:

    7. They totally eat up every single thing you teach them, sometimes literally.

    8. They keep you from sleeping in too late because duh, you got things to do.

    9. They allow you to rediscover your old childhood favorites in brand new ways.

    10. And two words, guys: Halloween candy.

    11. They force you to stay on top of your house cleaning like, every day.

    12. They're excited to discover your favorite childhood books for the very first time.

    13. And your favorite childhood places totally become theirs.

    14. They make the holidays way more fun, even if they end a little earlier than they used to.

    15. And TBH, all the family pre-boarding doesn't exactly suck, either.

    16. Because honestly, a lot of times your kids are more fun to hang out with than pretty much anyone else.

    17. And they totally want to be just like you. At least for a little while.