15 Wives Who May — Or May Not — Appreciate Their Husbands' Sense Of Humor

    These husbands have jokes for days.

    1. This wife, who asked her husband for a small glass of milk:

    2. This wife, whose husband has enough egg jokes for the whole dozen:

    3. This husband, whose wife asked him to cut her sandwich in two:

    4. This wife, who complained that her husband left the cap off the toothpaste, so he set up this scene in response:

    5. This wife, who asked her husband to put spoons on the grocery list:

    6. And this wife, whose husband made a Lego bank card decoy to keep her from using his real one:

    7. This wife, who had a cucumber and two lemons, and her husband just couldn't resist:

    8. This wife, whose husband starts a game of Scrabble like this:

    9. This wife, whose husband put up a necessary warning to trespassers:

    10. This wife, whose husband wished upon a car:

    11. This wife, whose husband made a few adjustments to her card before giving it to her:

    12. This husband, who thought it would be funny to sneak this thing onto the toilet for his wife to find in the middle of the night:

    13. This husband, whose wife asked him to give her some sugar:

    14. This husband, who gave his wife a nickname on her roadside assistance card:

    15. And this wife, whose husband got bored while she was shopping — like, really bored: