16 Pregnant Women Who Make No Apologies For The Seriously Weird Things They're Eating

    Pregnancy got them eating some strange, strange things.

    1. This pregnant woman, who craved Flamin' Hot Cheetos with cream cheese on a bagel:

    2. This pregnant woman, who craved a dill pickle dipped in peanut butter:

    3. This pregnant woman, who craved sugar — not Parmesan cheese — sprinkled on top of her spaghetti:

    4. This pregnant woman, who craved red peppers and sriracha sauce in her cottage cheese:

    5. This pregnant woman, who craved Cap'n Crunch with jalapeños on top:

    6. This pregnant woman, who craved a burnt waffle drenched in barbecue sauce and mayo, with a spicy beef patty on top:

    7. This pregnant woman, who craved hot dog wieners in her quinoa:

    8. And this pregnant woman, who craved peanut butter on really, really burnt toast:

    9. This pregnant woman, who craved a corn dog dipped in vanilla ice cream:

    10. This pregnant woman, who craved mashed sweet potatoes with green olives, cream cheese, and roasted nuts on a bagel:

    11. This pregnant woman, who craved a burger with a dill pickle and raw onions on a chocolate chip waffle:

    12. And this pregnant woman, who craved a pickle on top of a tortilla doused in sour cream and covered in cheese:

    13. This pregnant woman, who craved an onion and a scoop of peanut butter:

    14. This pregnant woman, who craved chicken nuggets dipped in an Oreo McFlurry:

    15. This pregnant woman, who craved a "salad with no lettuce":

    16. And this pregnant woman, who craved "deep-fried deviled eggs," and actually might be a genius:

    Now it's your turn! Tell us — or show us! — the weirdest, funniest, or most random pregnancy craving you had, and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!