14 Kids Who Will Make You Go, "Damn, You're A Little Genius, Aren't Cha?"

    These kids are definitely going places.

    1. This kid, who was told she could only have one cookie, so she made this:

    2. This kid, who's not wrong, really:

    3. This kid, who may have even out-dad joked his dad:

    4. This kid, who devised a snack cooling system in their parent's car:

    5. This kid, who is not here for your print mistakes:

    6. And this kid, who knows how to encourage his mom while she runs a marathon:

    7. This kid, who made their own iPhone speakers:

    8. This kid, whose mom asked them to bring her a cup of water and a straw, so they brought her this:

    9. This kid, who protects what's hers:

    10. And this kid, who doesn't want to share:

    11. This kid, who knows you're a procrastinator:

    12. This kid, who tried to pull one over on their parents to get some soda:

    13. This kid, who will call you on your shit every single time:

    14. And this kid, who is basically the businessperson of the century: