29 Photos Of Grandparents Meeting Their Grandbabies That'll Totally Restore Your Faith In All Things Love

    Overwhelming love at first sight.

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to show us a photo of their baby meeting their grandparents for the first time and the responses warmed our hearts:

    1. This tender moment between mothers seasoned and new:

    2. This touching photo in which a dream is realized:

    3. This emotional moment when a family unit became complete:

    4. This sweet photo of love up close and personal:

    5. And this one where it knows no distance:

    6. This gentle moment of family looking to the future:

    7. This beautiful photo of two grandparents looking on in awe:

    8. This adorable photo of a tender moment of rest:

    9. And this one, where history repeats itself:

    10. This photo, in which a family legacy lives on:

    11. This photo, where a great-great-grandpa holds a baby tight:

    12. This moment of a proud new grandma looking over a proud new mother:

    13. And this one, where a Grandpa just couldn't resist:

    14. This moment when the love in a Grandma's eyes is clear:

    15. This precious photo of a great-grandpa holding the future in his arms:

    16. And this one, of a grandma who definitely has her hands full:

    17. This photo of a grandpa beaming with pride:

    18. This beautiful photo of love from both sides:

    19. This photo of a sweet embrace only a grandma can give:

    20. And this one, where a great-grandma passes on all of her dreams:

    21. This photo of a great-grandpa guiding his grandson's steps:

    22. This endearing moment when a grandma is overcome with joy:

    23. This one, where a grandpa and grandson find a common ground:

    24. And this one, of a great-grandpa and great-grandson just hanging out:

    25. This photo of a grandma hearing a grandchild's cry:

    26. This photo of a grandpa who thought nothing could choke him up:

    27. This adorable photo of a grandpa and grandson getting in some face time:

    28. This sweet moment when a little hand gives a squeeze:

    29. And this one, where two hands cradle their legacy:

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    Some responses have been edited for clarity and length.