16 Parents Who Were So Tired They Didn't Even See These Fails Coming

    This is your brain on parenting, y'all.

    1. This dad, who forgot he was drying the baby bottles in the oven, then preheated it to 450 degrees:

    2. This mom, who was so tired she accidentally put her smoothie in her baby's bottle:

    3. This dad, who remembered to make coffee, but was so tired he forgot the cup:

    4. This mom, who was so exhausted she spent five whole minutes trying to figure out where she left her pen:

    5. This dad, who found out his credit card had been compromised, but was so tired he cut up the wrong card:

    6. And this mom, who forgot about the pancake breakfast she warmed up...until two days later:

    7. This dad, who accidentally put the baby bottle nipple on the milk:

    8. This dad, who forgot he was baking cookies, and, well:

    9. This mom, who put the cornish hen away in the cabinet:

    10. This dad, who could've sworn he put on a matching pair of shoes:

    11. And this dad, who was so tired while cleaning up that he hung the pretend keys with the real ones:

    12. This mom, who was so exhausted she didn't realize she was trying to put on her baby's sock:

    13. This dad, who somehow accidentally put coffee grounds in his kids' waffle batter:

    14. This mom, who accidentally washed the whole dang bottle of fabric softener:

    15. This dad, who put his drill away, or so his exhausted brain thought:

    16. And this dad, who left his keys in his car door for five whole hours, because if you've never done something like that, are you even a parent?