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For My Gimpmum

ILYZZZZZ, stinky llama face!

The best posts are usually about fails... and this is no exception!

I know you said you didn't want any presents on Mothers' Day...

Only the coolest of mums get their own Mothers' Day post!

I'm going to be really lame and start by telling you I love you!

And I'm really going to miss you over the next two weeks.

But it's okay, I know you'll be having a great time with your own swaggy mummeh.

Besides, I have our manky cat to look after me!

And the gimpy dog...

Let's not forget the rest of the crew!

Together, we make a great team.

Thank you for being so fab, even when I'm being a bit snarky.

Thank you for your excellent driving instruction!

Thank you for our many in jokes that I can't even explain.

And for our many wonderful memories.

Thanks for the lolz!

Here's to endless more!

Happy Mothers Day!