

Okay, so I though that it was time to up-date this snazzy profile of mine with elaborate words and big sentences. :]] (P.S) The promo spot? Yeah. Those bands are exactly what I put them out to be. :]] Right so... Here are the basics: - 'ello there, the name is... Q. :]] - The age is secret. - So is the vacinity. - Buuuuut.... I guess I can slide a few extra details... - I really like music. It's, like, my shrink or something. - I'm a christian. Not a Bible thumping christian, though. - Bands... Hmmm... I like getting request from bands. They make me happy. :]] *hint, hint* - Also, my taste differs from genre to genre. - My favorite bands right now are currently nevershoutnever!, Fall Out Boy... and... Uhhh... The chick who sings the Help! I'm Alive.... I should add her... - My nicknames are many. I'm pretty sure that if I give you them all, you won't enjoy it very much. - I am a fashionista, in my own way. - Did I mention that I am the weirdest person you will ever meet? No, I didn't? Well, there ya go? Notes on requesting my friendship: - I will check your profile before adding you! Fo security measures. - The above goes to bands, except it's to listen to your music. :]] This is the promo spot! - Nevershoutnever! - Forgive the Mayhem - The In Crowd - Memories & Jersey - The Scenic - Jamestown Story - Letters and Lights

Jul 2010
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