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    10 Things To Know To Survive Freshman Year Of College

    I am a college student about to finish my freshman year. It was definitely a roller-coaster ride, and I would like to share some of my experiences to give those about to experience their first year a little heads up.

    1. Move in early

    somebodygetmeoutofhere (tumblr) / Via

    Move into your apartment or dorm as early as you can. You do not want to fight the move in crowd and being near your college early will help you adjust to your new life. It helped me a lot.

    2. Make friends


    Via Twitter: @speakgif

    It's important for your to find a group of people to support you and keep you sane as you brave the college world. My friends have helped me through some tough times since I started school.

    3. Be open minded

    lifetimetv (tumblr) / Via

    Try new things, and be prepared to experience a new way of living, learning, and having fun. I know my life changed a lot after my first year of college, and if I hadn't kept an open mind, I would not have grown or experienced new things.

    4. participate in extra-curricular activities

    that-edm-life (tumblr) / Via

    I was involved in several clubs on campus, and it helped me make friends and connections on campus. They were fun and educational as well.

    5. Do not procrastinate

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    I have always had a hard time with procrastination. However, that is something that definitely needs to change. You cannot procrastinate all the time and be successful in college classes.

    6. Sleep when you can

    danz99 (tumblr) / Via

    With all of the homework and activities you have in college, it is often hard to find time to sleep. I know that has been one of my biggest challenges in my first year of college. Sleeping is very important, though, and you need to do all that you can to make time for your personal health

    7. Ask for help

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    I know sometimes I like to pretend that I know everything, but that is not true. I have to ask for help a lot, and there is nothing wrong with that. That is what friends and professors are for.

    8. Don't forget to pay rent

    canado (tumblr) / Via

    I know sounds silly, but I have had times when I just don't have time to pay rent. Find time! It's better to eat to go and pay on time than to have to pay a late fee. Put an alert on your phone to remind you, or pay online through a card. Do whatever works to make sure you pay rent on time.

    9. Become familiar with the library

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    Even if you did not go to the library much in high school, it will be an important place to you in college. I have had several study sessions and group meetings in the library. College libraries will have a larger selection than those in high schools and you will be able to print of assignments there as well. This will come in handy if you are running late or don't have a printer at home.

    10. Take time to have fun

    majestys (tumblr) / Via

    As busy as you are with schoolwork in college, it is also important to have fun once in a while. Go to the mall, see a movie, just drive around, whatever makes you happy. If I did not do something fun every once in a while, I would not be able to survive college. Enjoy your time while you have it!