Wedding Planners, We Want To Know What Wedding Day Red Flags Let You Know The Marriage Won’t Last

    Because I'm pretty sure a drunk bride or groom is not a good sign.

    By now, you’ve probably seen the viral vow video where the groom not-so-low-key hits on Margot Robbie while insisting that his new wife keep his “belly full” and his “balls empty.”

    Those outrageous vows probably won’t end in a happily ever after. If that speech is their beginning, their end is inevitable and bound to be messy with a capital M.

    A crying bride wearing a wedding veil leaning with both arms on the steering wheel of a car.

    I really feel like this type of wedding day red flag behavior has to happen more often than the world at large actually even realizes. TBH, wedding planners have probably seen something similar happen at some point… and possibly worse.

    A groom wearing a tuxedo screaming with his mouth wide open and eyes shut with hands next to his ears in frustration

    Wedding pros see it all, right? The good, the bad, and the ugly bridesmaid's dresses. So, give me your worst. I want to hear all about those OMG moments when you knew deep down that the beautiful union you coordinated was downright doomed.

    Bridesmaids carrying flowers and handbags stand in line at the wedding ceremony.

    Wedding planners/wedding professionals, what’s the biggest red flag you’ve seen? A drunk bride? Crestfallen mother-in-law? A 15 to 1 bridesmaid to groomsmen ratio? Holding your tongue while witnessing such a major warning sign of inevitable demise IRL has got to be so hard. So, don't keep it to yourself — tell me!

    The top of a wedding cake that has been smashed with the bride and groom toppers sliding down the side

    Wedding planners, caterers, photographers, and any other wedding professional: Tell me in the comments what wedding day red flags just *scream* doom and disaster for the un-lucky couple. Your submission may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post. If you'd like to submit your story anonymously, you can use this Google form instead.