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    Symptoms You're Not Graduate-Ready

    Students all over Australia are about to start their last semester in high school/university. Are you, like the gazillions of us future-grads, suffering from Gradpox Syndrome?

    1. You've never had self-doubt about choices like this before.

    2. Job hunting is the most depressing chore, and copy & pasting cover letters is...professional, right?

    3. Realising how real the real world is when you go for "real interviews".

    4. Being in your 20s and "student" as your occupation just doesn't seem to cut it.

    5. Inspirational quotes on Facebook annoy the heck out of you.

    6. But you can't help comparing yourself to others.

    7. Netflix is your best mate. It doesn't judge you, or let you down.

    8. Because your real friends seem to have it more sorted out than you.

    9. You're at home so often, you've turned into a pot plant.

    10. Because going out costs money and makes you feel guilty.

    You keep telling yourself you're going to be A-OK.

    Because you know that whatever happens, you'll make it, baby.