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    Getting To Know Your Date

    By engaging in some of the methods outlined in the article, you can painlessly get to know someone without having to worry about awkward silences and inappropriate questions.

    You've finally landed a date with that certain someone you've been talking to either online or in person and you think the hard work is over, right? Not at all. The hard work, in fact, is just getting started. Getting a date is obviously the first priority when it comes to dating, but after you get a date you can't just sit back and expect things to fall into place - you have to truly work to get to know your date; what they like/dislike, where they are from, what their family is like, etc. But getting to know someone, especially if you do not know them well prior to your first date can be more difficult than it seems.

    Thankfully, there are some surefire ways to get to know someone, regardless of how long you've been talking with them or how you met them. By engaging in some of these methods you can painlessly get to know someone without having to worry about awkward silences and inappropriate questions.

    One way you can get to know someone on the first or second date is by picking out and watching a movie together. Rather than going to a movie at the theater where your choices are limited, either go to the rental store or bring up Netflix to decide on a movie together. The movie they pick could be a huge tell about who they are that doesn't involve any talking.

    If movies are a bit too intimate for an initial meeting, then go to a party with their friends. Who a person surrounds themselves with can be like looking into a mirror for the type of person they are. If you're up for meeting the friends then this can be one of the best ways to get to know someone's true self.

    If you like to talk more, then taking a class together can be a great option for getting to know one another. You can take a cooking class or a pottery class, it doesn't matter what the class is, what matters is that it initiates conversation and can allow you to glimpse into the other's tastes and likes/dislikes.

    You can also take a more passive approach to getting to know your date by browsing through their music collection. Flipping through their iPod or browsing through their CD collection can tell you a lot about their personality without ever having to talk to them. What a person listens to can be indicative of their moods, their likes and dislikes, as well as their overall tastes.

    Remember, regardless of how you get to know someone, talking and listening to what they have to say is imperative. If you simply ask questions or talk about yourself, you'll never get to know someone in a meaningful way. Be sure to always listen to what they have to say and ask questions that are relevant to what they are talking about. Being open yourself is a great way to get someone else to open up and you'll find out who they truly are by simply talking with them honestly.