Someone Photoshopped Mario Without Hair And It's Traumatizing

    I'm sorry.

    We all know Mario. Born in 1981. Money-maker for Nintendo. Brother of Luigi. Driver of Karts.

    And we all know Mario is one of the most globally recognized video game characters of all time.

    And when something is different, it just freaks us the fuck out tbh. Like, THAT'S what Mario's hair looks like??? The hell?

    And because this is the internet, there's always someone photoshopping shit and making us question the simple things in life. Twitter user @yourfavisbald2 does this by making characters bald, and he recently tackled Mario.

    Classic Sonic the Hedgehog (Render from Sonic Forces)

    Are you ready? Click at your own risk.

    Why is this happening?

    Who hurt you?

    Is Mario even Italian anymore?

    Who do you think Bald Mario looks like? Tell us in the comments!

    For more bald photoshops of your fave characters, follow @yourfavisbald2.