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This Kid Trolled A Teacher With A Marvel Assignment And I'm Howling

I am Groot.

You know when someone just does an act of defiant brilliance and you can't help but celebrate and laugh?

Well, that's what happened on the internet this week when Jeffrey Scott Davis tweeted about an assignment he gave his students.

He told his students to "pick a Marvel character to embody within a resume and cover letter."

And what the student did was FREAKIN' INSPIRATIONAL IF YOU ASK ME.

Yes, the student chose to embody Groot. And, I mean, THEY AREN'T WRONG.

Davis told BuzzFeed, "The student received a 95 and 100 for two separate assignments." That's good because THEY FOLLOWED DIRECTIONS AND IT'S SUPERB.

@ROBODAVISWFISD @RobertDowneyJr @prattprattpratt @vindiesel @WFISD_CEC But did you give him an “A+” ?

Congrats to this kid for wonderful trolling. I am Groot.