15 Goofy Cameron Diaz Moments To Remind You Why You Love Her

    Never change, Cameron Diaz, never change.

    Cameron Diaz's first movie had a scene in which she licked Jim Carrey's ear like a dog.

    In one of her more recent films, she got hit in the face with a dodgeball. She is a fearless comedy warrior, and she deserves a salute. The goofiest of the goofy:

    1. Licking Jim Carrey's ear like a dog.

    It's a dream sequence; it's a dream sequence.

    Diaz is a nightclub singer with a cartoonish wardrobe and terrible timing in The Mask, 1994.

    2. Shooting Stanley Tucci in the head.

    And they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

    Diaz plays a rich girl who strong-arms a man into kidnapping her out of boredom, then falls in love with him in A Life Less Ordinary, 1997.

    3. Semen hair gel.

    4. Hitting Christian Slater in the face with a hatstand.

    5. Allowing a chimpanzee named Elijah the catharsis of untying her in a cage after failing to untie his parents in his youth.

    Really, everything she did in this movie, but including this part.

    Diaz plays a latent homosexual would-be murderer and pet enthusiast in Being John Malkovich, 1999.

    6. That she appeared in this movie at all.

    7. Butt dance.

    Repeated later in the film on a stage, to the song "Baby Got Back."

    She plays a deceptively ditzy crime solver with rhythm and a thoroughgoing knowledge of birds in Charlie's Angels, 2000.

    8. Eating a sundae while receiving oral sex.

    9. Complimenting a penis effusively in a restaurant, then grabbing her crotch as she praises its size.

    This turns into a dance number about girth. She also sings in The Sweetest Thing!

    10. Sliding down a bar and all the way off the end, then rising triumphantly.

    She's OK!

    Diaz plays an uptight equity trader who accidentally lets loose once and is forced to spend the next six months married to Ashton Kutcher in What Happens in Vegas, 2008.

    11. Winning a trophy; puking in the trophy.

    Pride comes before a ralph.

    She plays an exercise guru and dance champion who won't stand for circumcising her son in What to Expect When You're Expecting, 2012.

    12. Telling a co-worker about walking in on her fiancé trying to have sexual relations with his dog using a legume-based spread.

    Straight face, zoophilic story.

    She's a deeply irresponsible gold-digging molder of young minds in Bad Teacher, 2011.

    13. Lassoing a lion.

    14. Having sex with a car.

    15. All the goofball sex in Sex Tape.

    Cameron Diaz, you are a bizarre queen.