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    "While You Were Sleeping" || Poetry For A Better World

    "While You Were Sleeping" Written & Performed by Anuj Rastogi. Music and Video by Anuj Rastogi & Ozmosys Productions. Every parent hopes for a better future and better world for their child. As on any other night, after seeing another day of the madness playing on all around us, I wrote this piece as a wish for a better world for my own, and all children everywhere. It's something WE have the power to change, and need only to choose to be aware of it, and do something. Please share the positive vision.

    "While You Were Sleeping" || Poetry For A Better World

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    "While You Were Sleeping" Written & Performed by Anuj Rastogi. Music and Video by Anuj Rastogi & Ozmosys Productions.

    Every parent hopes for a better future and better world for their child. As on any other night, after seeing another day of the madness playing on all around us, I wrote this piece as a wish for a better world for my own, and all children everywhere. It's something WE have the power to change, and need only to choose to be aware of it, and do something. Please share the positive vision.