

I am April Dawn (Thomas) Nicolo. Southmoreland High class of '96. I'm 33, a mother of 4. 3 girls and my precious baby boy (He is almost 12, still my baby tho...) and step mother to two wonderful girls, Brittany and Nicole Wathen. I LOVE THEM ALL!!! And that's how we became the Brady Bunch..... Almost full blooded Irish. 6 tattoos ( currently) naval pierced. I'm a Mother, A Step Mother, Daughter, A Step Daughter Grand daughter, aunt, niece, sister, cousin , friend, enemy, ex wife, lover, nail biter! I'm a hippie and I love bare feet!!!! I <3 U JERRY GARCIA !! I'm a Smoker, social drinker, street and book smart, SMART ASS, insightful and well spoken and current college student .I THINK WAY TOO MUCH!!!! About stuff that means WAY TOO LITTLE!!! Physically fit 4 the most part... I have wicked cool green\gold eyes. I'm a cancer and ruled by the moon. I love 2 read and write!! I'm slightly obsessive compulsive!! I'm a pretty well rounded person, if u ask me! Free spirit but eyes focused on a positive future!!! Oh yeah, and I'm **Miss Mullee**!!!Or you can call me JUICY FRUIT!!!! AND GREEN GOBLIN as well, only when I am mad tho!!! What else is there 2 know??? <3 Love me or hate me, u'll still be thinking of me!!!! Maybe I let them think what they want or maybe I am what they think. i'm always told to slow down... and that i'm too free. if only they understood. that's the only way i breathe. life is not always, black grey and white. the colors of the rainbow and those yet to be invented. surrounded by laughter and confusion if only i knew.... if only you knew. the future is freeing let the Phoenix emerge who will be there with me... when will i learn. R.I.P. Sister tam, I love u and I miss u so much!!!! <3 If sisters were flowers, I'd still pick you. I'd let the sun shine so you'd never be blue. I'd show the world how beautifully you grew, with bright bold colors and strength through and through.

Jan 2011
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