April B.

I'm unique. I have a heart of gold and anyone can figure that out quickly. I have a huge extended family who means the world to me. I love to be around people and people are my "thing". Everyone in the world has a "thing" and I beleive that people are mine. I want to be a doctor, specifically OB/GYN focusing mainly on OB. I want to help bring new life into the world ♥;. I'm currently attending Ferris State University majoring in their Pre-Medicine program hoping and praying to graduate with a bachelors in applied science/biology. I'm not prejudice by any means. A person is a person no matter what they look like, what religion they beleive in or who they love. You should always try to be original, because you were born that way. No one else is truly like YOU. I beleive in God, and he is the center of my life. I have such a fun group of friends. :) I wouldn't be who I am today without them. I like music and I CAN play an instrument, in fact I've played since I was in 6th grade. I beleive that music is the future and every child should have the opportunity to be a part of it. Animals are a great passion of mine and I very much enjoy being involved with Greythounds of Eastern Michigan, the greyhound rescue group I've worked with since I was in 10th grade. I hate arguing and I always want to make peace. Bright colors are amazing in any form :). The rainbow excites me and I look forward to sunny days with a little bit of rain because I know that God will show me a rainbow. :) I LOVE having my ears pierced and wearing funky earrings when I get the chance. I like necklaces too. I have an obsession with cute underwear ;). I love Victoria's Secret! My boyfriend Joshua completes every single part of me and I couldn't have prayed for a better man to call my own ♥ :). It excites me that we are official "high school sweethearts". It is my dream to marry him and have a wonderful life with him.

Nov 2009
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