

I cast off the cross and was born again. Now I'm slowly learning to live, laugh, and love… My name is Aphradonis, or if you prefer, Jacob. Ultimately what you call me is of little consequence; those are but names; I am who I am, regardless - a transhumanist, secular humanist, spiritual materialist, feminist, globalist, writer and reader of primarily science fiction, science faction, and fantasy, former hardcore gamer, and I'd rather have been born in another body in another time. I see modern technology being squandered; used not as enhancer, but as crutch. Similarly, we as a society have abused our newfound social freedoms to reach new depths of depravity and vapidity. My politics are neither left nor right; rather I consider them to be upwing in the style of FM-2030, another transhumanist who eschewed his birth name. I've absorbed a staggering amount of information over the years, but, other than writing, have yet to develop any viable specialized skills with which to someday support myself. My considerable way with words is balanced by an abysmal comprehension of mathematics, something I must rectify if I am to directly shape the digital frontier which is currently reshaping the human condition, though I hope my writing will one day have an indirect impact upon the metaverse. I’m actually far less computer literate than people think; so I suppose I’ve learned to fake it well! I have a far easier time transmitting my thoughts and feelings through prose rather than speech. I consider my tendency to ramble the only glaring flaw in my writing technique. Stream of consciousness has its place, but so does concision. That I can seamlessly write an essay of a response without blinking is both a blessing and a curse. I'm also more imaginative and less practical than the average person. I've been criticized heavily for my atheism, but I refuse to be silent, and to respect that which is an offense to humanity. Tolerance of intolerance is not tolerance at all. No religion is wholly evil, but some have done far more harm than others. I welcome friendship and communication with people of all beliefs, as long as they are progressive. Follow any particular religious text you wish, just don't try to argue for living a certain way just because (your interpretation of) a verse says you must. I use reason, not dogmatic adherence to ancient writings, to decide what is moral and what is not.

May 2011
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