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    23 Times Justin Bieber's Instagram Awakened Your Inner Thirst

    Basically any time he posts a shirtless pic.

    1. When you came to the conclusion that you'd do anything for Justin, even eat salad.

    2. When you had visions of waking up to this view with him.

    3. When you said to yourself that Justin could bury you in the sand any day.

    4. When you couldn't form complete sentences anymore.

    5. When you had visions of going on vacations with him and his family.

    6. When you could only imagine post-workout Justin.

    7. But then you saw post-workout Justin and all was right in the world.

    8. When this gave you heart palpitations.

    9. When you would've given your soul to be this girl.

    10. When his smile melted your heart.

    11. When you were thinking "I know something that would warm you up..."

    12. When you wanted nothing more than to lie next to him on the grass.

    13. When he looked hot holding a camera???

    14. When you would have sacrificed anything if you could have woken up next to him in this bed.

    15. When you were like, ♫ I fill the tub up halfway then ride it with my surfbort ♫.

    16. When he looked hella fine dressed up.

    17. But when you were like, "But I prefer no-clothes Justin."

    18. When you had dreams of Justin just randomly showing up at your door.

    19. When you suddenly had a deep appreciation for Calvin Klein.

    20. But you really just appreciate any time he posts a shirtless picture.

    21. And you'll always love bad boy Justin.

    22. But goofy Justin also has your heart.

    23. Am I right or am I right?

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