38 Surefire Ways To Know You Were A Washington D.C. Transplant

    Who run the world?

    1. You moved to D.C. because you wanted to run shit.

    2. Interning on the Hill established your importance.

    3. And if you wanted to create change outside the system, you went the NGO route.

    4. Drunken runs to the White House were tradition.

    5. You watched every episode of The West Wing.

    6. Bars were sometimes a little stuffy.

    7. You knew East-West streets are lettered, North-South streets are numbered, and diagonal streets are named after states.

    8. Every picture you took in front of the White House had meaning.

    9. This protester out lived your stay in D.C.

    10. Wearing sweats to class got you the side eye.

    11. The first year of college you never left campus because your college felt like 'real' D.C.

    12. And when you finally did leave campus you mostly hung out in NW DC.

    13. You went to Howard for Homecoming to see the celebs.

    14. You were a government employee.

    15. You couldn't avoid GW because the university owned almost everything.

    16. The shops on M Street met all your fashion needs.

    17. You hung out on U Street or in Adams Morgan or if you were really cool on H Street.

    18. It was absolutely hilarious when locals freaked out about the weather.

    19. Cazy shit happen on the Chinatown bus.

    20. You stood in line at Georgetown Cupcake.

    21. Paying insane amounts of money for Sweet Green salads was totally normal.

    22. Standing in line at Ben's Chili Bowl made you feel like a local.

    23. You knew a politician's kid.

    24. A diplomatic motorcade made you late on more than one occasion.

    25. Dates to museums were economical because they were FREE.

    26. Drunken tours of the monuments was the best way to experience history.

    27. You would forget alcohol wasn't sold after 10 pm and at 9:45 pm you would rush to the liquor store.

    28. On Saturday nights cabs were the only way to get home because D.C. metro stopped so early.

    29. When people first said DMV you were very confused.

    30. Virginia was where you went to buy cigarettes.

    31. You felt constantly policed but totally safe at the same time.

    32. You were committed to the D.C. uniform.

    33. National holidays were a little more intense.

    34. You secretly discovered the best concerts happened at 9:30 club.

    35. You knew the Black Cat had the best dance parties.

    36. The neighborhoods were named weirdly.

    37. When you go back to D.C. it's cooler than when you lived there and you get jealous.

    38. Most of all you felt more American because you lived so close to the President.