10 Times Movie Villains Revealed Themselves And We Didn't See Them

    The devil truly is in the details.

    Movie villains have a knack for showing up when you least expect them, and sometimes, they revealed themselves to us, and we didn't even see them.

    Pennywise with a balloon over Its head in "It"/Mysterio charging green energy blasts in "Spider-Man: Far From Home"

    10. Mysterio — Spider-Man: Far From Home

    Peter standing next to a pillar with Quentin Beck in the background in "Spider-Man: Far From Home"

    9. Cult Members — Hereditary

    The Graham house at night in "Hereditary"

    8. Toshio — Ju-On: The Grudge

    Saito seen in the reflection of a glass door with Toshio in "Ju-on: The Grudge"

    7. Crawler — The Descent

    A wide shot of Sarah and her friends exploring a cave in "The Descent"

    6. Possessed Annie — Hereditary

    Peter waking up in his room at night while Annie is on the ceiling in "Hereditary"

    5. The Ghost Boy — Insidious

    Renai putting laundry into a basket in "Insidious"

    4. The Riddler — The Batman

    Wide-shot of Gotham City in "The Batman"

    3. Pazuzu — The Exorcist

    Damien Karras waving his arm in the street in "The Exorcist"

    2. Pennywise — It

    Ben reading at the Derry Public Library in "It"

    1. The Xenomorph — Alien

    The Xenomorph hanging from the ceiling of the Nostromo in "Alien: The Director's Cut"

    Do you agree with this list? Are there any other movie villains that I missed (pun intended)? Please let me know in the comments section below.