
Anthony M.

Hi! My name's Anthony, and this is the part where I tell you about myself. I could go into some very interesting and complex existentialism about such things as "What IS I?" and "What is 'I'?", but I won't! Haha. Who am I? Well, I'm funny, family, smart, dance music, rave music, gay, mexican, italian, nice, thoughtful, and optimistic all rolled up into one person. If that sounds like a cool person, then I'm your man! Don't worry, there's more to me then personality though. ;) Back in High School I went to Hanford West High School. I was closeted, but I had lots of queer friends, and I knew there were more of us out there because I could see it in their faces, and I'd had conversations with some other closeted people. I read this book Rainbow Boys, and decided that my school needed a Gay-Straight Alliance club on campus. So I started one with my friend Garrett! It was awesome, and I wound up elected President. I became the organizer, planner, advertiser, and spokesperson all of a sudden and it was awesome! After that I found my voice in queer leadership, and when I went to college at UC Berkeley I decided to join the LGBTIQQA Theme Dorms and learn how to be more involved in the community. We did loads of fun things, and if you wanna know about them just ask. Ever since 2005-2006 I've been less of an activist, and just learning more about myself. I'm learning to be more comfortable in my own skin first of all. I've learned some other things too. Like, the fact that I want a boyfriend instead of a hookup. The fact that I'll want a family in the future. The fact that I can only depend on myself to either succeed or fail. And the fact that I'm my own worst enemy, but not my own best friend. So, with all that said and done... That's me! :) If you think I sound cool, feel free to message me. If you think I'm cute feel free to do so too. Iif my status doesn't say "single" don't even bother. ;)

Apr 2009
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  • Anthony M.'s avatar

    Anthony M. commented on Let’s Speak Clearly: Monkeypox Is Mostly Being Transmitted Via Sex

    Also, the implication that it’s mostly transferred by sex because gay parents aren’t transmitting it to their kids is ignoring the fact that gay parents tend to have different lifestyles. First of all, there are queer parents who are open or poly and also having casual sex, but there… 


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