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    My Tinder Experience

    I decided to download this Tinder thing to see what the buzz is all about...

    1. I guess it all started innocently enough...

    2. Not everyone's intentions were crystal clear

    3. Some questions I was unsure how to answer

    4. Other's I may have answered wrong.

    5. It was strange how some seemed to already know me.

    6. Yet other's seemed surprised.

    7. Others were focused on personal questions.

    8. While others tackled the hard hitting questions life often throws us.

    9. Some were written in secret Tinder code.

    10. Others were more straightforward

    11. And some were a mix of both.

    12. Some suggested that these guys were unsure of exactly what they wanted.

    13. And others were more concerned about what I was interested in.

    14. I felt that some people needed additional information.

    15. Some had interesting texting styles.

    16. Others just couldn't spell.

    17. Some were romantic.

    18. Others were the opposite of romantic

    19. Some were confusing.

    20. Others were confused.

    21. Some were charming

    22. Some poetic

    23. Some were neither.

    24. Some doubted my authenticity

    25. Or asked what I was searching for in this great big world

    26. And some just wanted to know what my status was.

    27. Some were bored

    28. Others were eager to cure their boredom

    29. Some had short term memory loss

    30. and had trouble redeeming themselves....

    31. Only to end up crashing and burning..

    32. But hey! It has been a fun little social experiment thus far...and who knows...maybe the man of my dreams is still only a swipe away...