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    Here's How To Turn Traveling The World Into Your Job

    Pro tips from top bloggers around the world.

    It's not surprising at all if, at some point in your life, you've dreamed of becoming a travel blogger.

    After all, according to a January 2016 Google survey, "how to become a travel blogger" is actually the seventh most searched travel phrase on the entire web. So, how do you go about doing it, exactly?

    I asked some of the world's top travel bloggers for their best tips on creating and running a successful blog. And considering that there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of them out there, their advice on how to make yours stand out is key. Take all of their wisdom into account, and you could be well on your way to creating something awesome of your own.

    1. Before you even start, understand that if you want to eventually blog for a living, you will be running a full-time, 24/7 business.

    2. So read. A lot.

    3. And make sure you're getting into it for the right reasons.

    4. Decide how you will make money from day one.

    5. And have a decent savings set aside, because you will be funding your own travels when you first start.

    6. Don't be afraid to invest in other helpful expenses, too, if you can swing it.

    7. Find a niche, and make sure you love it. Really love it.

    8. Spend some time researching other blogs in the niche you'd like to pursue — and join Facebook and LinkedIn groups in that niche, too.

    9. Buy your domain name right away — and make sure it represents your vibe.

    10. And then set up your website.

    11. Just start!

    12. Focus on the story only you can tell.

    13. In other words, brand yourself.

    14. There is no set rule on how often you should post — just pick a schedule...

    15. And then stick to it, and be consistent.

    16. Do really interesting stuff.

    17. But at the same time, remember that you don't need to be nomadic or constantly flying to new countries to be a travel blogger.

    18. Invest in the best camera you can, and learn how to use it.

    19. Or, if you're not the best photographer, let technology help you out.

    20. You can even obsess over other peoples' photos to get better at taking your own.

    21. Create travel videos for your blog.

    View this video on YouTube

    "Not many travel bloggers make quality videos on a consistent basis, so this content will help you stand out. Posting videos on platforms like YouTube also lets you reach different audiences and monetize views. I've found that tourism partners and sponsors have wanted to work with my team specifically because we offer travel videos, in addition to blogging and social media."

    La Carmina

    "Although I started a blog because I love to write, I've since discovered a love of (mostly mobile) photography and have recently started making videos using Cameo App of each trip that I take. Trying out new mediums finesses my storytelling skills, and it keeps things fresh for my readers. It also gives the brands and tourism boards that I work with plenty of different content to repurpose."

    —Christine Amorose, C'est Christine

    22. Keep your eye on upcoming technologies, and be one of the first adopters.

    23. Always respond to your readers.

    24. Engage with other travel bloggers.

    25. Go to conferences and network with other bloggers and companies.

    26. Learn how to use Facebook ads effectively.

    27. Understand that most of the ways to make money aren't actually about pure blogging.

    28. Never endorse a product that you don't actually believe in.

    29. When you're pitching brands, make it more about THEM than YOU.

    30. Have products!

    "Books, courses, booking services, tours...whatever! You can scale those and they can earn you revenue while you drink beers on a beach! Going on all those 'free trips' is ultimately too much work. Businesses sell something — something other people can buy while you sleep."

    —Matthew Kepnes, Nomadic Matt, author of How to Travel the World on $50 a Day and creator of the blogging school Superstar Blogging

    31. Never stop learning.

    So, got all that? Now get out there and start!