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    28 Thoughts One Had When Watching The Premiere Episode Of "The Bachelor"

    So … many … puns

    1. Basketball lover, playing alone at dusk. Is this the intro to One Tree Hill?

    2. All of America loves you Ben. DON'T worry about being unlovable!

    3. Time for a pep talk with the boys, with a steady stream of insults for Jason.

    4. Lauren B: "I'm so single, it's so sad." Girl, I feel you… I'm in bed with a glass a pinot gris and twizzlers.

    5. Caila, hold up. You saw Ben on TV, got butterflies, and then broke up with your bf of a year?

    6. Best line so far… "I would not date a guy with gingivitis."

    7. What does having a career of a chicken enthusiast entail?

    8. I wonder how much money The Bachelor spends on limos.

    9. I should really count the number of cheesy puns I hear.

    10. Big hats and masks are a big thing this season.

    11. 20 bucks Lace is going to start some trouble tonight.

    12. TWINS, TWINS! They speak at the same time. Can I just say if I had a twin I would not be able to do this with her.

    13. And we have a miniature horse. Can she bring that inside?

    14. Yes, yes she can apparently.

    15. Breaking the bread because you think bread is Satan just seems like a waste.

    16. How many Lauren's are there? 3 or 4?

    17. Casual call to the rents featuring Ben's dad trying to figure out speakerphone.

    18. Becca and Amber have arrived. This should sit well with the other girls, for sure…

    19. Chris Harrison has the best job. He brings in the drama, then stands back, and gets to watch what happens.

    20. Is Lace drunk?

    21. Confirmed. Lace is drunk.

    22. And the first impression rose goes to… OLIVIA. You know, the one that kind of, sort of looks like Ivanka Trump.

    23. ROSE CEREMONY TIME! This calls for mood lighting and anticipation themed music.

    24. Nervous laughs are weird.

    24. Okay, so the Lauren's are as followed: Lauren B, LB, Lauren H, and Lauren R.

    25. "I don't know what he was thinking. He may not have been into redheads." Solid reasoning.

    26. Lace is not done. Ben didn't make eye contact with her. I wonder how long she'll be on the show for drama intensive purposes.

    27. I wonder how much of this show is scripted and how much someone is like, "how about I be batshit crazy."

    28. So much crying in this promo. Should be a good season ☺