Can You Make It Through This Post Without Getting Vertigo?

    Life on the line, literally.

    Australia's Blue Mountains are a thing of beauty, but these daredevils know how to get us weak at the knees.

    Earlier this month the international highlining community converged in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney to hang out. They insist the extreme sport is safe and fun.

    The highline stretched between the Corroboree Walls in Mount Victoria, rising some 27 stories high.

    How's the view up there?

    Watch for that gust of wind!

    Don't look down!

    It's a long, long way to fall.

    Focus. FOCUS!

    Just hangin'.

    There's lots of room to appreciate the view.

    How's your stomach feeling?

    Life... one great balancing act.

    Just another walk in the park.

    Stumble. And fall.

    Almost there!

    There is nothing above, nothing below.

    Yoga on the line?

    No, thanks. I'll just stay on solid ground.