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23 Bad Bitch Lessons We Learned From Betty Draper

Only boring people are bored.

1. Always stand up for yourself.

2. Master your side-eye, and use it often.

3. Be profound and poised.

4. Allow yourself to enjoy some romance with someone tall, dark, and handsome.

5. Feel free to shut down any unsuitable suitors.

6. And when you have your eye on someone, play it cool.

7. But remember, you can't trust everyone who walks into your life.

8. You're allowed to be pissed off at someone who lets you down.

9. Understand your past mistakes.

10. Use your expansive knowledge to advise others.

11. Sometimes you just need to give in to your vices.

12. No one said you have to be a good role model.

13. Take a break every once in a while and indulge.

14. Don't waste time beating around the bush.

15. Let people know when they're doing something wrong.

16. Conversation is an art that not everyone will master.

17. Embrace your sarcastic side.

18. There isn't always a "nice" way to say something important.

19. You can't rely on anyone but yourself.

20. Shake shit off.

21. But also allow yourself time to just be sad every once in a while.

22. If you're confident, you'll look good doing anything.

23. And never let ANYONE walk all over you.