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What Advice Would You Give To Your High School Self About Choosing The Right College?

Because hindsight is 20/20.

Choosing which colleges to apply to can be a daunting task.

There are plenty of obvious factors to consider like location, size, programs, and maybe even prestige. But it's hard to know what will really count toward a positive experience until you're actually there.

So we want to know: What advice would you give your high school self about applying to college now that you've already gone through it?

Maybe you realized a less competitive school would've been the better choice, because all the pressure was not good for your mental health.

Or maybe you'd pick a place with better weather, since four years of long winters was just too miserable.

Maybe you'd apply to schools with more students of different races, sexualities, gender identities, or abilities so you wouldn't feel so other.

Maybe you wish you'd done a little more research on what resources would be available to you.

Or maybe if you could do it all again, you'd pick a smaller campus where you wouldn't feel so overwhelmed.

Tell us everything you wish you had considered before choosing a school.

We want to know what would've made your experience a more positive, healthy one OR what would have helped you ~thrive~ academically, mentally, and emotionally. Share in the comments below and your response could appear in an upcoming BuzzFeed Health post!