21 Things People Wish They'd Known Before Going Through Puberty

    OK, puberty, still waiting for you to make me hot.

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community what they wish they knew before they went through puberty.

    1. It's a gradual process.

    2. But some things will happen seemingly overnight.

    3. Not to mention, it might last a lot longer than you think it's going to.

    4. Your emotions change just as much as your body.

    5. But just because those changes are a part of puberty doesn't mean your emotions aren't valid.

    6. Those ~sexual feels~ are nothing to be ashamed of.

    7. You should let people take your damn picture, awkward phase or not.

    8. It's not necessarily going to be a pain marathon.

    9. Hair is going to sprout up in some weird places.

    10. You probably won't always be able to eat this way with the same results.

    11. Don't stress if you're a late bloomer. It'll happen.

    12. Everyone smells at some point (but yeah, deodorant is your friend).

    13. Glasses are nothing to be embarrassed about.

    14. You should ask a ton of questions because everyone goes through it and the more you know, the better.

    15. That includes speaking up if something seems off, because not everything that happens to you is because of puberty.

    16. Don't think something is wrong with you based on who you are or aren't attracted to.

    17. Puberty might be especially complicated if your gender identity is different than your sex assigned at birth.

    18. You'll get acne everywhere and that's totally normal.

    19. Whatever you do, DON'T PICK AT IT BECAUSE IT WILL SCAR.

    20. You're probably going to get some stretch marks because duh, you're growing.

    21. As cheesy as it sounds, stay true to yourself and stuff.

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