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18 Orgasms You've Probably Had If You Have A Vagina

"Was that pee or did I squirt?" —you, after an orgasm

1. The "WTF Just Happened" Orgasm

2. The "Almost... Almost... Almost... Almost..." Orgasm

3. The "Thrasher" Orgasm

4. The "Too Late to Skip This Part of the Porn" Orgasm

5. The "Sorry But There's No Way I Can Look Cute Right Now" Orgasm

6. The "Just Let Me Do It" Orgasm

7. The "I'm Bored So I Might As Well" Orgasm

8. The "Why Have I Been Bothering With Penetration?" Orgasm

9. The "World Record" Orgasm

10. The "Thank You, Come Again" Fake Orgasm

11. The “Holy Shit Where Did That Come From” Orgasm

12. The "Wake the Neighbors" Orgasm

13. The "Was That Pee or Did I Squirt?" Orgasm

14. The "Stop Whatever You're Doing and Die" Orgasm

15. The "So Soft You Nearly Missed It" Orgasm

16. The "Might as Well Be a Bottle Of ZzzQuil" Orgasm

17. The "Bonus" Orgasm

18. And finally, THE BEST ORGASM EVER.