Is Your Period Too Heavy? We've Got Answers

    How much blood is too much blood, really?

    If you have a period on the heavier side, you've probably wondered how much bleeding is *too* much bleeding. So, we asked two gynecologists everything you could possibly want to know about heavy periods and what to do about them.

    Here are answers to your most common questions from board-certified OB-GYNs Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, clinical professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive science at the Yale School of Medicine and Dr. Cindy Basinski:

    1. What exactly constitutes a "normal" period?

    2. Then what does it mean to have a heavy period?

    3. What about getting big ol' clots?

    4. Okay, but how heavy is *too* heavy, really?

    5. Um, that sounds like me! Should I be worried?

    6. Sooooo, why do some people have nightmare periods from hell when there are other people out there getting by with lite tampons and panty liners?

    7. My doctor told me my period is normal, but TBH it really doesn't feel normal. What should I do?

    8. Is there anything I can do about heavy bleeding or do I just kind of live like this?

    9. Nice! Is there anything else I should know?

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