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    Thoughts Everyone Has While Eating An Orange

    Oranges are delicious, but are they worth the fight? See if you had any of these thoughts while eating the deliciously tropical orange.

    1. Oh yeah! There's one orange left!

    2. Wow, it's a big one.

    3. How do I want to eat this? Should I slice it or peel it.

    4. I think I'll peel it.

    5. Dang... the peel is SUPER THICK.

    6. This kinda hurts my fingernails...

    7. Crap. There's still some of the white rind on it..

    8. Forget this. I'll just slice it from here.

    9. Oops... I need a serrated knife.

    10. THERE WE GO.

    11. Oh gosh.. There's juice all over the counter.

    12. Well, this is a sticky mess.

    13. I'll just clean it up later.

    14. This smells delicious.

    15. I'm so excited!

    16. Ugh, now there's juice on my face.

    17. And my nose!

    18. How the heck did it get in my hair?

    19. Oh well.

    20. Now my fingers are sticky.

    21. That text message will have to wait.

    22. Or maybe I can just use part of my finger that doesn't have orange juice all over it!

    23. There we go. Sent.

    24. This is taking a while.

    25. This orange was HUGE.

    26. At least it's filling.

    27. Look at all this extra peel..


    29. Oh gosh that tastes AWFUL.

    30. I think I'll just stick to orange juice.