How I Lost My Virginity, In GIFs

    I was a virgin for 25 years, and then I wasn't anymore. Here's how it went.

    For the first 25 and a half years of my life, I was

    But for a long time

    Because I wasn't like

    I was more like

    I wasn't about to lose my virginity at prom, because, uh...

    And when it got to the point that I was “too old” to be a virgin without having some kind of weird “sex hangup,” I would try to cover it up by being like

    As if that didn't make it more obvious.

    Before going to some lame dorm party in college,

    I'd put on a tight green American Apparel U-neck dress that I hoped would entice some guy to put it in me for a second. Which would be long enough for me to feel comfortable talking about it brunch, rather than feeling like

    So I would walk into the party like

    and then go up to some guy with a plaid flannel on and be all

    but then he'd always turn out to be an Adderall dealer or an objectivist or something

    and I'd be like

    Of course, there were one or two guys who made me

    and there was some

    but they were ultimately like

    As is often the case,

    So eventually I was like, fuck this, and screamed into the ether:

    My friends all responded differently:

    And naturally, after I told people and stopped worrying too much about it,

    And everyone was like

    and I was like

    Le fin.