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FYI, Peacocks Are Actually Mystical Birds From Another Dimension

Magic is real and it's in the form of flying rainbow birds. H/T this Tumblr post.

Look at this. Have you ever seen anything more beautiful?

Well guess what? You haven't.

Because the only thing more beautiful than a stationary peacock is...A PEACOCK IN FLIGHT.

Like, sir. Sir, who gave you the right to be such a sublime chicken?

It's like a dragon mated with a swan and begot a flying rainbow prince.

Or some attention-seeking wizard custom-designed their own mythical hawk as a familiar.

A flying peacock is an IRL legendary Pokémon. Who could beat this bird in a fight. WHO?

Look at him survey his kingdom. You go, you stately airborne pheasant.

Fawkes has nothing...NOTHING...on this iridescent phoenix.

We are so blessed to share the universe with this feathered unicorn. Thank you, peacocks, for blessing us with your beauty.