19 People Who Didn't Realize They Failed Until It Was Too Late

    "When you try your best but you don't succeed."

    1. The person who made the world's worst maze:

    2. The person who looked at Louisiana and thought, That definitely looks more like an 'O' than an 'L':

    3. The person who didn't realize what a difference a hood can make:

    4. The person who had no qualms about putting these seats behind this giant wall:

    5. The person who thought they were buying a Dumbo shirt and not actively insulting their kid:

    6. The person who mistakenly encouraged Christmas arson:

    7. The person who designed this skirt and thought it looked like anything other than a period gone wrong:

    8. The person who illustrated this French textbook and decided to invent a new time:

    9. The person who thought carpet was necessary not only on this bathroom floor but on the bathtub, too:

    10. The person who certainly doesn't understand how flights are supposed to work:

    11. The person who tried to put an audio file in this textbook:

    12. The person who made this keyboard that lights up everywhere but where you need it the most:

    13. The person who made a cart with everyone's three favorite animals: chickens, pigs, and, of course, milk:

    14. The person who made this built-in refrigerator egg tray...with only 11 spots:

    15. The person who made this ominous, threatening sign:

    16. The person who thought people would really enjoy sitting underneath a bunch of trash:

    17. The person who knows that nothing says "good morning" like a cup of joe and getting stabbed in the eyes:

    18. The person who made this nightmare-inducing children's night-light:

    19. And finally, the person who doesn't seem to understand what "free" means:

    H/T: r/CrappyDesign.