15 Adorable Highlights From A Cat Fashion Show

    At the annual Kitty CATure Fashion Show. AKA The Cat's Pajamas.

    1. This beautiful ballerina wore a tutu and a feather "mane."

    2. And this lovely, lithe cat was hoisted for all to admire.

    3. And had a taste of what it's like every second of every day for Grumpy Cat.

    4. This tabby looked utterly despondent in a jewel encrusted casing of sorts.

    5. That also included wings.

    6. This handsome gentleman perched on a pedestal fit for a king.

    7. And a fuzzy kitten also got in on the action.

    8. This Sphynx cat totally Jesse Pinkman'd out.

    9. And was almost as adorable as his fictional human dopplegänger.

    10. There were also dogs.

    11. Who are much less significant because as you might know, they're not cats.

    12. Moving along.

    13. This cat matched its owner. Or possibly vice versa.

    14. A jacket-wearing spotted cat got stretched.

    15. And this little guy attempted to compensate for feelings of robbed masculinity.