
Angela B.

well, first of all, im me. im pretty confused, in general, on anything and everything, just because i am, and i dont know all there is to know. i value honesty VERY highly. i want the truth. if i ask a question, i want the honest truth of it. not a lie at my face. if i cant get honesty from you, you're probably not reading this now, because you wouldnt be on my friends list. those that are and arent honest... well, i probably didnt have much choice but to accept the friend invitation, and will hope you read this and will possibly see it as a warning/suggestion, whichever you want to take it as. it doesnt take much to keep me decently content. i'd like everyone to make an attempt at not being an idiot, and trying to be a decent person. not just a decent kid, or a decent adult, or whatever. a decent PERSON. i dont want some kid babbling on about stuff that they have no idea of and telling others what to do. that might be a decent KID, compared to some, but that's not a decent PERSON. and, parents... is it really so hard to let a kid have an opinion, and let it be stated? let them talk. listen to what they say, for just a few minutes. just because they are a kid doesnt mean that they arent capable of thinking thoughts that are acceptable. just... everyone, please think outside your own head. pay attention to more than one view point. dont start screaming at someone just because you dont agree with them, or just because they're acting 'stupid' in your opinion. see it from how they're seeing it. then, AFTER you've seen what they see, talk to them about it. dont scream. TALK. be civilized. you dont have to prove my negative pessimistic side right about most humans. prove to me, and everyone else, that humans can be PEOPLE. as i've just demonstrated, i also tend to rant quite a bit. i think im good at it though. there are some things that i feel decently strongly about and want to make it known, such as the rant above. i also apologize a lot, as im about to demonstrate. not for my beliefs, but for how long it might have taken you to read all that. it took me a few minutes to type, but it might take you 5-10 minutes to read (if you're not exactly the fastest reader...) so, im sorry for the length of the rant-ish type spiel up there, and for this one that im typing too. and, yes, IM SORRY. that means that i feel badly for what you may have had to endure reading it, or stuff like that. i say that im sorry when i am. if im not sorry, i'll apologize. please people, if im talking to you, and i say that im sorry, dont stop me and tell me that im not, or say that its not my fault, or that i shouldnt be sorry, or whatever you'd say like that... just, let it go, because im going to be sorry anyway, and you all should just get used to it... i already explain on a daily basis that im sorry, to several people, some of which i explain it to every day. anyway, yeah... this is me.

Mar 2010
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