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    4 Reasons Why You Need To Listen To Japanese Pop Trio 'Perfume' (パフューム) Right Now

    Perfume (パフューム) is a Japanese pop group that first came onto the scene back in 2000. They have been capturing the hearts of fans all around the world. Here are 4 reasons why you need to start listening to them RIGHT NOW!

    1. Their songs are impeccably produced & their choreography is on point!

    View this video on YouTube / Via Perfume's Official YouTube Channel

    Take this song for instance. It's one of my favourite Perfume songs. It starts off with a slow-building, but killer beat as the ladies strut around and between glass partitions. Eventually, another beat is layered into the mix and the girls' start pulling off complex choreography with what seems like very little effort. As the song and video continue to build, it gets better and better. They are flawless.

    A lot of love should go out to songwriter and producer Yasutaka Nakata, too, for working so hard to give Perfume their signature sound.

    Song: '1mm'

    2. The fashion, design and overall visual style/attention to detail is out of this world.

    View this video on YouTube / Via Perfume's Offcial Youtube Channel

    These girls, and the amazing producers/production teams behind their styling/visuals deserve a standing ovation. The geometrical shapes and lines in these videos are the makings of a designers'/artists' fantasy. The colours are vibrant and compliment the girls' unique styles perfectly. On top of it all, the fashion is always on fleek! Can Perfume do any wrong? I don't think so.

    Song: 'Pick Me Up'

    3. Face, face and more face. These girls certainly know how to sell it!

    View this video on YouTube / Via Perfume's Official YouTube Channel

    These girls don't need to convince us of anything. Their gorgeous, fierce facial expressions and flawless hand and body movements say it all - and prove that they have worked hard to earn their place at the top. When they perform, everything from their dance moves to their intricate hand movements are planned to perfection and executed with pure elegance.

    Song: 'One Room Disco (ワンルーム・ディスコ)'

    4. Their extensive library of upbeat, infectious tunes is guaranteed to turn your frown, upside-down.

    Now, it's your turn: what do you think of Perfume?

    After reading through this list and checking out some of their music videos/songs along the way, have you become a fan? Let me know in the comments below!

    Let's spread the love for Perfume!