17 Times Tumblr And "Parks & Rec" Matched Up Hilariously

    You'll think April Ludgate actually wrote some of these.

    1. Sometimes, Tumblr posts just work perfectly when you slap 'em on a Parks & Recreation screenshot.

    2. You can practically hear April saying this, even though she never said it.

    3. Like, is Chris Traeger actually behind this Tumblr account? No, of course not. But maybe.

    4. Never before have a photo and unrelated text matched up so perfectly.

    5. This basically sums up Leslie and Ann's friendship.

    6. And yep, this sums up Jerry's life.

    7. Yup.

    8. Accurate.

    9. 100% Ben Wyatt, right here.

    10. Actually having to think back on whether this sentence was really in that scene.

    11. So good.

    12. Like, this is probably actually Leslie.

    13. And this is so April it hurts.

    14. Ben as a lawyer = probably this Tumblr post.

    15. True.

    16. Tom, is that you?

    17. Yep, this is perfect. Shut it down.