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Tell Us Your "Old Person Trait," Like Hating Having To Talk To A Chatbot Instead Of Customer Service

Mine is that I think appliances are too "smart" these days. My fridge doesn't need Wi-Fi.

Recently, I came across this excellent Tumblr post where people were sharing their "old person traits":

my old person traitis that i think a website should work in a web browser and not try to open an app

My theory is that EVERYONE has at least one "old person trait" that turns them into the Old Man Yells At Cloud meme. So I want to hear yours!

Maybe you think appliances are too "smart" nowadays and wish you could get things that aren't connected to the internet.

spongebob and patrick at a computer

Perhaps you actually think cell phones are the bane of your existence, and you wish we could go back to the days of landline phones.

older woman looking confused while on a phone

Or maybe it's something else completely! Tell us what bugs you about "the future" that we live in in the comments or using this anonymous form, and your suggestion might be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post or video!